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Ridikzappa 7:31 Mon Jun 22
FGM in the Midlands
700 new cases in the Midlands alone in the last 6 months but no prosecutions?

Is it because the police and authorities don't want to be accused of being 'islamophobic' or are they allowing it as it is all part of respecting multi-culturism.

They were the reasons that were given for allowing the rape of 1,700 children in Rotherham.


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mike hunt 12:20 Wed Jun 24
Re: FGM in the Midlands
thats why they all shuffle, obviously very sore, good , suffer you cunts

Joke Whole 12:20 Wed Jun 24
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Mashed. I lived for a year in Jakarta with a (Muslim) woman who has been put through this ritual. She said the echo of the pain was still there 40 years after the event.

Furthermore, as I got to know more of her friends & family, it seemed that her experience was far from isolated - extrapolating out gave me a figure of between 25 & 30% of the Indonesian female population had been subjected to this barbaric practice.

It was clear that it is a very taboo discussion point, not exactly dinner party conversation, so not really surprising many westerners feel it's not an issue.

Spandex Sidney 12:14 Wed Jun 24
Re: FGM in the Midlands
This happens every time I get my leg over anyway, i'm so fucking massive down there.

ooh, that's distasteful, even for me.

1985 11:27 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Key to this is going into schools and getting teachers and fellow pupils to report sus situations, so there is a line of enquiry. Is the girl taken out of school for a couple of weeks? Has her behaviour changed when she comes back etc. Is she reluctant to take part in PE when she comes back? Signals that came sometimes indicate FGM has taken place.

1985 11:24 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
No, it's notoriously difficult to investigate FGM. It occurs within certain cultures and trying to investigate it is a pig - communities and even families close ranks and often won't co-operate, as it is seen as a practice that is acceptable to many families and none of the authorities business.

Same with some cases of HBV, getting the girls to talk takes a lot of patient, careful effort by specially trained officers. You can't just put the doors in of these suspects, drag 'em in and expect them to put their hands up, it don't work like that.

Scaleyback 10:47 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Stirling. I very much doubt that the young girls having this done 'like to cut themselves up'. They don't have a choice. Also, I very much doubt anyone forced OAPs to have tattoo's. And they probably couldn't give fuck whether you think they look like cunts, either.
Great addition to the debate, there. Well done.

Brucies_Star_Prize 8:50 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

mashed in maryland 7:41 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

That maybe, but it's typical of the lazy, ignorant generalisations often posted by the OP.

stirlinghammer 7:51 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Africans like to cut themselves up. Whites like to tattoo. Cutting is worse. Oaps with tattoos look like cunts.

mashed in maryland 7:41 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Brucies_Star_Prize 11:37 Tue Jun 23

Indonesia has the biggest amount of Muslims on the planet and AFAIK it's not an issue there.

A lot of NE Africans in the UK are Muslim though, so thats probably where the generalisation comes from.

mashed in maryland 7:39 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Fifth Column 11:01 Tue Jun 23

I don't think the suppression of women is necessarily a part of Islam, but it's certainly a part of the culture that exists in a lot of Islamic societies, which has been imported over here for the past few decades.

Joke Whole 5:24 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Think this through a minute.

If the prosecution, let alone detection, rate of FGM shoots up, it won't take long for a campaign against MALE genital mutilation to pick up speed and get it's own pair of legs to run with.

That basically means prosecutions related to circumcision will run riot, and THAT cannot be allowed to EVER happen, because circumcision is ENGLISH, traditional and cultural, innit?

Brucies_Star_Prize 11:37 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

Eddie B 11:03 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

Except it's also practiced in majority Christian countries such as Eritrea (nearly 90% prevalence) and Ethiopia (75% prevalence). If 90% of Eritrea's young girls are having this done to them, and between 50-60% of its population are Christian, how can it be described as a Muslim phenomenon?

It's also almost unheard of in countries outside of North Africa. India and Pakistan for example, with populations of near 200 million Muslims a piece, do not endulge in this barbaric practice. Surely FGM would be more widespread in the Muslim world if it was specifically a Muslim problem?

Again, FGM is very much a North African phenomenon and one that predates Islam. That it occurs in Britain is without question something of deep concern, but let's at least be honest with the debate.

Fifth Column 11:07 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

So breaking down what you've just said, you agree it's not "Islamic" which is what someone else said.

Secondly, it happens in many developing countries, not only Muslim ones.

Unless you are suggesting that, for example, Ethiopian or Eritrean Christians who do this are somehow also Muslims.

Eddie B 11:03 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
There's a lot of old stuff that most of the world has dropped cos it's barbaric, but muslims have carried on. This is one of them.

FatboyChelseaScum 11:02 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

One of the best channels on youtube

Fifth Column 11:01 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

The suppression of females is not a fundamental part of Islam.

The oppression of women is certainly something that happens in many countries where Muslims are in the majority and in other developing countries that are not Muslim majority.

FGM started a long time before Mohamed walked the earth and there is nothing in Islam that says women should have this disgusting crime committed against them.

Ridikzappa 10:52 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

I agree that it is not exclusive to Islam but it is predominantly practised in Islamic countries.

It is all about the suppression of females and that is a fundamental part of Islam.

Eddie B 10:42 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Is this yet another one of those instances when it's only a small number of muslims doing it, like all the other times something bad happens?

Fifth Column 3:24 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
The referrals to Police are a legal requirement. I am currently doing research on this subject as part of my job. Over the last year there were 60 new cases nationally where there is suspicion that someone resident in the UK may have had this happen to them whether in the UK for when going abroad for a holiday. There are though several thousand women who present to the NHS who have had this done to them prior to them ever coming to the UK. They are usually only identified as a result of pregnancy and during relevant checks during pregnancy. in the local authority I work in there have been 250 cases over 5 years of people presenting with this, one of these cases happened to someon when resident in this country... Which was a 16 year old from east Africa. I don't know if she was Muslim or Christian but the country she is from is overwhelmingly Christian... It's certainly not a Muslim specific issue. Anyone who perpetuates this practice should be killed. I mean that literally. Having to research this is not the nicest job I've ever had and it's only desk based research.

SHORTYHAMMER 3:20 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands
Of course no prosecution..Its the "M" people.

Cant be upsetting them.

Like all the grooming gangs.. I know ..we can call them "Asians" then nobody will realise!

Brucies_Star_Prize 1:18 Tue Jun 23
Re: FGM in the Midlands

FGM is a barbaric practice which has no place in a civilised society.

Not sure why you felt the need to bring Muslims into though, anyone would think you're pushing some kind of agenda.

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